Owners Portal
Regular Board meetings are held in the Clubhouse and virtually via GoTo Meeting on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM unless otherwise notified. All members of the Association are welcome and encouraged to attend. By-Laws Section 3.3 Participation by Unit Owners provides that, “a Unit Owner does not have the right to speak with respect to items not specifically designated on the agenda, provided, however, that the Board may permit a Unit Owner to speak on such items in its discretion. Every Unit Owner who filed a written request with the Secretary of the Association not less than 24 hours prior to the scheduled time for commencement of the meeting. Unless waived by the chairman of the meeting (which may be done in the chairman’s sole and absolute discretion and without being deemed to constitute a waiver, as to any other subsequent speakers), all Unit Owners speaking at a meeting shall be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes per speaker.” Meetings will be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.
Join meetings from your computer, tablet, or smartphone:
Join meetings from your dial-up phone:
For One-Touch supported devices: tel:+16467493122,,636180805#
(646) 749-3122 [access code: 636-180-805]
Meetings are for Owners only. When joining a meeting virtually you must identify yourself or be excluded from participation.
Board of Directors and Officers
Director and President
Matt Backensto, [email protected]
Director and Vice President
Keith Jackson, [email protected]
Director, Secretary, and Treasurer
Jennifer Pochy, [email protected], [email protected]
Blanca Olivencia, [email protected]
Eric Bassriel, [email protected]
Please copy [email protected] when emailing Board members or Officers to have your email entered into the Association’s official records. Thank you for your cooperation.
The code for entry to the pool area and courts is 1-5-3-Enter (changed 2023-01-17). Surveillance cameras are recording at all times.